domingo, 12 de março de 2023


         Disease the job that Sam and other clowns have been doing since a while ago. Changing everything and turning things and people into this. Pigs, Donkeys and Monkeys.  

Sam doesn´t have own interests and jobs to do.

The clowns don´t have own interests and jobs to do.

None of them have any interest in the other.

There are intersts above many things and above many people.

Back stages.

Media, information, politic, government, dogs and of corse economy.

No one pays and no one was and is getting payed for any service. 

The clowns have their own interests and jobs to do.

People aren´t on the clowns own interests.

The clowns are the media. The television and the newspapers are the clowns.

The monkeys.

Their being. Their personality.... education. Many are greedy, annoying, sick....

There´s a lot of hypocrisy in the society.

Gold and diamonds. 

Sam and others from other countries. 

The media sell it. Sell sanctuary. Beside the gold and the diamonds, porn is business too. Engage those girls, those women. those whores, make a round table in the media, in the high and medium society and everything is open to make business.

Their problems


Poverty and Diseases

The brasilians



They do their job. They do everything, everything to get payed.

They are annoying

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