sexta-feira, 26 de maio de 2023

Sam and PT Clowns


Brown magic

Sam have his interests and his jobs to do here. 

A work place. 

Over seas, air and land.

A maritime chart, skies lines and a road map for Sam.

Bridge, office, table, management, distribution and business.

ibf « aic and army.

Information, communications, transmissions... seas, airways, roads and highways into and in Europe...  Middle East and Asia... Russia borders.

Economy, business. Offices, paws and laundry. 

Ireland is the base station. The castle.

Scotland is a hot tub and leisure. Parabolics and flying metal objects  detectors.

England is a mess.

Belgium, NATO and European Parliament... 

Germany, NATO airbases. German industries... Germany finances.

France... ... ... Interpol. 

Powerful countries.

Other European countries...

Portugal, a small country, cheap and easy to corrupt clowns.

Sam´s work places.

Sam have his interests and his jobs to do here. 

For it, Sam have to clear his path, have to clean his ass. Sam and the pt clowns use everything they can use against those who oppose them and aren´t in the clowns own interests and job. Pigs and sicks rcassf and other clowns. Sam use the pt clowns, pigs and sicks. The media, the politicians, the politic parties, the government, police agents and officers. Sam have to be under, inside all of this. Clowns. Corruption. Sam paid and is paying the pt clowns services to the country. National informations,,, History, tourisme, Hollywood Blockbusters. Sam and the clown have to clean it. So the clown faasssrcaassf must go. Must die to clean and clear all that. Brown magic, scientology, snakes, monkeys and other clowns. A hole in their heads. Their diseases pt africa communities angola, moçambique.... and sickness is people´s sickness. Drugs. Either people do it or not, It´s used to attack people and to clean Sam´s and the clowns job and asses. Drugs cause problems. Social problems. Drugs, chemical substancies cause problems to people. Health, physical and mental issues, skin effects, mostly visible in the eyes and in the face skin. Flights mk. Out of the perfect state of mind. doing things, getting messy and dirty, a piece of shit, getting to a point that nothing matter, just fun, but an inconcious fun, without feelings, t´ll the point when everything die. No pleasure in doing it, no joy, no satisfaction. A piece of shit of a woman. A junk of a women. A total physical and mental destruction of a person, of a person heart, mind and being.

Brown magic is poo in people´s lives.

It´s a hole in the clowns heads.


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